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How to create an easy-to-understand web presence

Web clarity is an obstacle for many websites. Site owners often don\’t address it, but visitors who enter the site and get lost will likely never return. So how can we avoid this and not lose visitors? Make yourself look right to the outside world? The way to make the web easy to understand is very simple , but not everyone goes this route.
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The basis of it all is knowledge of a given problem and the ability to break that problem down into several subsections, units, or bullet points. It should be systematic and make sense, branching out like a tree. For someone who knows the subject, this is easy. But a visitor comes along who is a complete novice, and it is up to you to explain it. If that person can understand with your explanation, you have him or her. If not, they probably won\’t come back, and that\’s a shame.
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Another criterion is the choice of colors; variety is good, but don\’t overdo it. There is beauty in simplicity! This is by no means a nonsense. The ideal choice is black and white, where the contrast is large and the font is legible. The font size should also be chosen proportionally, not too large, and the thumbnail should not be too large.
Site Structure. Various animations on the homepage should be absolutely avoided, and we also recommend that you prefer to skip it, since it does not meet with as much success as a song, i.e. music in the subtext. The website should have a home page and from there systematically click through to the topics that the visitor is interested in and in turn find their way again.
A final important piece of advice is to pay attention to resolution. Not everyone will view your page on a computer or laptop. Most people will view your site from a smartphone or tablet. Therefore, it is important to consider displaying your site appropriately for them as well.
I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to make yourwebsiteeasier to understand. Good luck!