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Autumn Interiors

Fall is a beautiful season, full of color, but often comes with rain and fog. The beginning of fall is the perfect time to create fall decorations that will brighten up your entire home and make you feel better on rainy days. Take inspiration from nature and incorporate orange, red, yellow, and green colors into your home. You can use a variety of materials for decorating, but only natural ones are abundant in fall, and not only are they available for free everywhere, they are truly beautiful.

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Pumpkins are everywhere now. Both edible and ornamental, you can buy them very inexpensively at the store. If you want to have fun with your kids, you can hollow out a pumpkin and carve it into a scary face. These are displayed on Halloween, but today we start seeing them at the end of September. For a more traditional decoration, you can arrange pumpkins in pots or on window sills. Pumpkins are brightly colored and brighten up the house.
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Flowers and other plants surround us from spring through fall. Heather is the main flower in the fall, but there are also beautiful orange lanterns in the garden that can be used for a variety of decorations. Once dried, they can be used for years. The color does not fade and is always beautiful. A variety of dead grasses can be used in combination with mottled heather. Another option is to decorate with heather, other plants, and the aforementioned pumpkins.
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Tree leaves, chestnuts, rose hips, etc.

Go out into nature. You will find an abundance of natural materials that you can use to decorate your home. Rose hips, for example, are beautiful and I often use them in my fall and winter decorating. You can twist colorful leaves into rosettes and add rosehips, chestnuts, and acorns. Fresh nuts, apples, and pears can also be used. The advantage of such decorations is the price, among other things. Of course, it is almost zero and can be made from almost anything using natural raw materials.