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Pleasant vacations

Many people enjoy the holiday mainly to relax. I can\’t really imagine if I just had to work all the time and no one could enjoy a proper vacation to me as well. I was on my first vacation when I was 9 or maybe 10. I know a lot of people say they were late, but I would tell you that they didn\’t wear this at all to go somewhere on vacation every year, but in this neighborhood they were probably the only family who didn\’t go anywhere on trips or holidays and didn\’t travel at all. And it did not come to me at all as a child, but all my friends always heard it, and somewhere on vacation, but only I was not.Our family was not up to that. And later, when my father divorced my mother and found another woman, he suddenly wanted to go on vacation.

Už se těším na dovolenou.

That\’s because he married a girlfriend 10 years younger. His father had enough money, so did his young girlfriend. This is completely logical and always so. And that\’s why he took me and my brother on vacation, where I was just 9 or 10 years old. We were in Sardinia, Italy. It was my first vacation and I will never forget it.

Na dovolenou se balím pečlivě.

I have really good memories of Italy and it would be 100% Sardinia if I had to choose another place I would like to visit Sardinia is really a matter of my heart but it was my most beautiful holiday there. Since then, I have only been to Greece 2 times and Germany 2 times, but I absolutely want to go to Italy again. But it goes straight to Sardinia. It really touched me and I still have it in my heart. Unfortunately, my father is not with us anymore, but every time I think about Italy, I think of my father. And when I go to Sardinia, it will be a completely memorable holiday.