You know what I mean, guys
I certainly don\’t mean to deny the women of our country the right to play soldiers, but I still think that “pah, pah, boom, ratata” belongs primarily to the male world. It is mainly men who have been playing soldiers since childhood, and it is mainly men who later became soldiers. However, it is also true that, mainly for this reason, there have been far more in the past to try to get the “blue book” to avoid this “male thing”. Because playing at being a soldier is a little different than being allowed to run around on some training ground two or a year later.

Playing soldier, I think, is simply and primarily a boy thing. With the fight for democracy and gender equality these days, though, I would not deny women the right to pick up any weapon and be properly shot.
Of course, in my opinion, war has no value and war no longer holds any appeal for me. But games like soldiering are different. You can start a fight at any time, you can end a fight at any time, and if nothing happens, that\’s great.

And what better place to indulge in that than on the shooting range? Little boys can chase around with dummy guns in the park or on the street, but if someone older did that, they would be locked up in a mental institution or in jail.
At a shooting range, there is no danger of either of the latter two. This is because a shooting range is a place where one can experience the “military” with real guns. And you can do it without hurting yourself or others.

Whether you\’ve never held a gun in your hands,

whether you\’ve never tried shooting a variety of weapons – from small rifles to pistols, from rifles to shotguns – or the opposite – you can still learn how to shoot. Whether you have never tried it before or vice versa, I can strongly recommend that you give it a try. Under the guidance of an instructor, being careful not to do anything juvenile while playing soldier. And make sure you learn something about these weapons.
There is a shooting range so that you can finally play soldier properly. And to all of you who are complete beginners, and to all of you who may have worked hard to get your hands on a blue book years ago and finally got it.
You will have a great time here and maybe you will get tired of trying elsewhere. For example, around Bataclan.